WomEn accused are subjected to special treatment during arrest:
1. Women Accused can only be arrested in the presence of female Police Officers. (Sheela Barse Vs State of Maharashtra, AIR 1983 SC 378.)
2. The Police officer should arrest the woman without touching her. (A Female officer can touch and arrest, only if the accused does not cooperate with oral intimation of arrest) (Section 46 (1) of CrPC- 2008 Amendment)
3. A Woman accused should not be arrested before sunrise or after sunset. In exceptional cases, A Woman officer can arrest a woman accused anytime, with prior permission of First-Class Judicial Magistrate. (Section 46 (4) of CrPC- 2005 Amendment)
4. Whenever there is a need to search a woman, the search shall be made by another female with strict regard to decency. (Section 51 (2) of CrPC)
5. Medical Examination of Women accused shall be done only by a female Registered Medical Practitioner or in the presence of another female. (Section 53 (2) of CrPC)
6. Women should not be summoned to the police station. The questioning of any such person may be done by the police officer only at the residence of such woman, in presence of a female officer. (Section 160 (1) Cr.PC)
7. Arrested women should be segregated from male accused and kept in separate lockup or separate rooms in the absence of separate lockup.
8. Woman officers should be present in the station as the Interrogation of the female prisoners should only be done in the presence of female officers only. (Sheela Barse Vs State of Maharashtra, AIR 1983 SC 378.)